[J3] 23-007 uploaded

Malcolm Cohen malcolm at nag-j.co.jp
Tue Feb 21 01:49:57 UTC 2023

Hi folks,


23-007 is the J3 version of N2209 with the formatting changes to the NOTEs
(no numbering when only one NOTE in a subclause, white background, not
indented). It has line numbers and paragraph numbers.


It is *possible* that I might have missed one of the "singular notes", but I
don't think so. I made new macros for singular notes (too hard to make the
disappearing numbers happen automatically!), and the new macros have error
checking to make sure that the numbers can't disappear if there is more than
one NOTE in a subclause. So we should be good on that at least.


Edits for the DIS may be written against 23-007 instead of N2209 if you
wish. Not compulsory, but as 23-007 has line numbers some may find it easier
to write the edits starting from that.


The Edit folder in the Meeting Papers also has 23-007xe and 23-007xe11.
These are for comparison with 23-007, not for direct use: I will explain
what they are about tomorrow.




..............Malcolm Cohen, NAG Oxford/Tokyo.


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