[J3] [For J3 Berkeley Lab Meeting Attendees] Food allergies survey

Katherine Rasmussen krasmussen at lbl.gov
Thu Feb 2 00:06:44 UTC 2023

Hello all,
    If you are planning to attend the upcoming J3 Meeting at Berkeley Lab,
please read this email. (Also, if you have not yet filled out the site
access form
<https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/88134e51b45b420c95ecde075f58465b> sent
out in previous emails, please do so ASAP).

    At the upcoming J3 Meeting at Berkeley Lab, it looks like we are able
to provide some food during working breakfasts and working lunches. We are
still in the planning stages, so the exact details may change but we hope
this helps attendees avoid inconveniences they may face as a result of the
lab cafeteria's closure. If you have any food allergies or food related
notes that we should pass on to the caterers, please fill out this survey
as soon as possible. This survey is anonymous and will not record your
email. If you wish to sign your name, feel free to do so, or feel free to
remain anonymous.

    Food allergies survey: https://forms.gle/uh89HfUB6LaGkSpA8

    Thank you for your time and let us know if you have any questions.

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