[J3] RECURSIVE attribute?

Steve Lionel steve at stevelionel.com
Tue Nov 29 21:49:56 UTC 2022

On 11/29/2022 4:32 PM, Van Snyder wrote:

> On Tue, 2022-11-29 at 15:28 -0500, Steve Lionel via J3 wrote:
>> C723 A function name declared with an asterisk type-param-value shall 
>> not be an array, a pointer, elemental, or pure. A function name 
>> declared with an asterisk type-param-value shall not have the 
>> RECURSIVE attribute.
> Now that RECURSIVE is the default, does this constraint need to be 
> revised so that it requires the NONRECURSIVE attribute?
Good question. The standard seems rather vague about whether RECURSIVE 
or NON_RECURSIVE are really attributes - they're not mentioned in Clause 
8 and mainly referred to as prefixes, though N2209 says, "A 
subprogram is specified to have the NON_RECURSIVE attribute, or to be 
elemental (15.9), pure (15.7), or a separate module subprogram 
( by a prefix in its initial SUBROUTINE or FUNCTION statement." 
There are a few other references now to "NON_RECURSIVE attribute". The 
term "RECURSIVE attribute" no longer appears other than in what is now 
C728. There is no concept I can see of a procedure having a "RECURSIVE 
attribute", only that recursive references are allowed by default.

I think this would make a good Edit paper for February - I'm interested 
to see what Malcolm thinks.

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