[J3] [SC22WG5.6383] WG5 Letter Ballot 2 on Fortran 2018 Interpretations

Nathan Sircombe Nathan.Sircombe at arm.com
Mon May 9 20:02:48 UTC 2022

The following Fortran interpretations are being balloted:

Yes  No   Number    Title
-Y-  ---  F18/007   Problems with C_FUNLOC and C_F_PROCPOINTER being PURE
-Y-  ---  F18/015   Example in C.6.8 is wrong
-Y-  ---  F18/019   PURE and default initialization
-Y-  ---  F18/023   CLASS(*) ambiguous operator overloading
-Y-  ---  F18/024   CFI_setpointer with result a deferred length character
-Y-  ---  F18/026   C_SIZEOF argument
-Y-  ---  F18/027   CO_BROADCAST with allocatable component
-Y-  ---  F18/028   Specification inquiry
-Y-  ---  F18/029   Type of main argument of CO_REDUCE
-Y-  ---  F18/030   CO_REDUCE/REDUCE OPERATION with coarray argument
-Y-  ---  F18/031   CO_BROADCAST with polymorphic argument
-Y-  ---  F18/032   CO_BROADCAST and pointer components
-Y-  ---  F18/033   E/EN/ES/D output exponent when w=0
-Y-  ---  F18/034   Purity of IEEE_GET_FLAG and IEEE_GET_HALTING_MODE
-Y-  ---  F18/035   Defining/referencing a coarray component of a dummy arg
-Y-  ---  F18/036   Array element argument for sequence association
-Y-  ---  F18/037   Locality spec limitations
-Y-  ---  F18/038   SIZE= with no reason
-Y-  ---  F18/039   Corresponding coarrays in recursive procedures
-Y-  ---  F18/040   Allocating dummy arg with a coarray ultimate component
-Y-  ---  F18/041   NULL() passed to assumed-rank dummy

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