[J3] [EXTERNAL] Re: VALUE attribute for assumed-shape in an interface with bind C

Reuben D. Budiardja reubendb at ornl.gov
Mon Jan 10 17:08:27 UTC 2022

Hi Steve,

On 1/10/22 11:31, Steve Lionel via J3 wrote:
> On 1/10/2022 11:23 AM, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
>> Thanks Steve. I've looked in this section too, and had similar 
>> thought, but then, strictly speaking, this can be interpreted as that 
>> such procedure is not interoperable with C.
>> Assummed-size is explicitly prohibited in C867 (along with coarray and 
>> variable with coarray ultimate component). I guess I wonder why 
>> assumed-shape is not in that list as well.
> Both assumed-size and assumed-shape arrays ARE interoperable (just not 
> with VALUE).  Assumed-size is covered in 18.3.5. For assumed-shape:

Sorry, I wasn't clear. Yes, I get that both assumed-size/shape are 
interoperable (without VALUE).

I was responding to your earlier comment:
"there are no other cases allowing VALUE for non-scalars, therefore this 
is not permitted."
the former does not necessarily imply the latter. The former only means 
that "assumed-shape with VALUE" is not interoperable.

Putting aside interoperability, I was arguing that if we want to 
disallow VALUE attribute for assumed-shape, it should be said so, 
perhaps in C867 or somewhere in the VALUE attribute section?


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