[J3] [EXTERNAL] Re: type definitions

Steve Lionel steve at stevelionel.com
Thu Aug 11 12:51:25 UTC 2022

On 8/11/2022 8:30 AM, Clune, Thomas L. (GSFC-6101) via J3 wrote:

> Hopefully we at least disallow:
>           REAL(KIND=KIND(X)) X
>       END
"If a constant expression includes a specification inquiry that depends 
on a type parameter or an array bound of
an entity specified in the same specification-part, the type parameter 
or array bound shall be specified in a prior
specification of the specification-part. The prior specification may be 
to the left of the specification inquiry in the
same statement, but shall not be within the same entity-decl unless the 
specification inquiry appears within an

DIS 10.1.12p2 (Constant expression)

I believe that both of Bob's examples are conforming, and look forward 
to his argument to the contrary.

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