[J3] [EXTERNAL] Re: Why is += missing?

Malcolm Cohen malcolm at nag-j.co.jp
Fri Sep 3 00:26:14 UTC 2021

> If we decide to go down this path, then I would very firmly want “+=” to be a distinct assignment operator and allow user defined operations using ASSIGNMENT(+=). 


I understand why you’d want to do that in some cases, but it undermines existing modules that provide assignment just plus, or assignment and plus (there not being any that provide the new one anyway!). That is the opposite of protecting existing investments.


A single-statement form of ASSOCIATE would certainly be less disruptive than this. We already have single-statement forms of not just IF, but WHERE, and FORALL; the latter already has statement entities (the index variables) just like a single-statement form of ASSOCIATE would have.




..............Malcolm Cohen, NAG Oxford/Tokyo.


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