[J3] Inconsistent terminology in 18-007r1

Malcolm Cohen malcolm at nag-j.co.jp
Mon May 10 00:50:12 UTC 2021

>Then the last sentence in should be removed. It clearly
>states that an allocatable component is initialized. To most programmers,
>"initializing" an entity would mean assigning it a value (see for example
>8.4 Initialization).

That is completely wrong. On both counts. 


>> No, the last sentence (Allocatable components are always initialized
>> to unallocated.) is correct.
>I disagree. Default initialization sets the allocation status of
>the allocatable component to unallocated.


You can disagree all you like, but the standard actually says that they are *ALWAYS* initialized. That means whether default initialization is in play or not. So it has *NOTHING* to do with default initialization.


> I think it be can fixed by changing the last sentence in
>Allocatable components are always initialized to unallocated.
>The allocation status of an allocatable component is unallocated. 

No, it is correct as is, and this would be broken. As I explained last time.


..............Malcolm Cohen, NAG Oxford/Tokyo.


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