[J3] Elemental type-bound functions not useful

Vipul Parekh parekhvs at gmail.com
Mon Mar 29 01:03:34 UTC 2021

On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 7:12 PM Van Snyder via J3 <j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org>

> .. This makes elemental type-bound functions not really useful because in
> a type extension, the result of the type-bound function is still of the
> declared type.
> Did I miss something that makes them useful?
> Is there something that can be done to make them useful?
What about the *simpler* use cases?  ELEMENTAL proves both convenient and
performant is such scenarios:
   type :: t
      procedure :: assign_t
      procedure :: is_equal_t
      generic, public :: assignment(=) => assign_t
      generic, public :: operator(==) => is_equal_t
   end type


   elemental subroutine assign_t( lhs, rhs )
      class(t), intent(inout) :: lhs
      type(t), intent(in)     :: rhs
   end subroutine

   elemental function is_equal_t( lhs, rhs ) result(r)
      class(t), intent(in) :: lhs
      type(t), intent(in)  :: rhs
      logical :: r

When OO was being developed, there were proposals for CLASSOF and TYPEOF
> declarations, to specify that some entity had the same class or type as
> another. Those proposals failed.

Well, these 2 have made it into Fortran 202X and are listed in Fortran
21-007.  Though I personally seriously doubt their value and would prefer
them withdrawn until 202Y until when the work toward Generics has been
studied better.  I don't see how these 2 can help with ELEMENTAL.

> Is it absolutely necessary for a passed-object dummy argument to be
> polymorphic? An alternative is to require that one that does not have a
> polymorphic passed-object dummy argument is overridden in extensions. ..

See my proposal at the Tokyo meeting m219:
https://j3-fortran.org/doc/year/19/19-186.txt toward the option to derive
an inextensible derived type in Fortran   My peers and senior technical
leads and computational technology managers in industry find it to be a
major concern every user derived type in Fortran is an extensible type at
present.  Should an option be introduced (perhaps a TYPE attribute of
SEALED), the passed dummy argument of said type can no longer be
polymorphic, it has to be TYPE instead of CLASS.

The ability for users to author inextensible derived types can provide
several benefits.  This helps us greatly with reduced program
vulnerability.  There is also the potential for further compiler
optimizations knowing the passed-object is nonpolymorphic with inextensible
types.  And it opens up such types for additional elemental operations
where the function result attributes are those currently prohibited e.g.,

Vipul Parekh
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