[J3] Meeting 223 minutes on incits.org, and modified meeting minutes format

Van Snyder van.snyder at sbcglobal.net
Mon Mar 22 20:14:11 UTC 2021

Will we still have "J3" minutes that use J3 paper numbers, on the J3
web site?

On Mon, 2021-03-22 at 12:01 -0700, Brian Friesen via J3 wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> below is something for your information only; no action is required from you.
> In a few minutes you should receive a notification from incits.org
> that the meeting 223 minutes approved by INCITS have been uploaded.
> You may also notice that the paper numbers in the minutes have a
> different format than the traditional xx-yyy format. This is due to
> the database that INCITS uses to store meeting documents, which we are
> required to use for INCITS to approve our minutes.
> Please note that this modification to the paper numbers in the
> INCITS-approved minutes does not affect the papers uploaded to
> j3-fortran.org; rather, it affects only those papers uploaded to
> incits.org, to which the INCITS-approved minutes must refer.
> The INCITS database uses the document numbering format:
> PL22.3-<4-digit-year>-<auto-generated-5-digit-number-<whatever-you-want-afterwards>
> where <auto-generated-5-digit-number> is a counter which increments
> for each unique document uploaded to incits.org in a given year. There
> is no meaningful correspondence between
> <auto-generated-5-digit-number> and the traditional J3 paper number,
> so this 5-digit number can be ignored in most cases.
> Revised papers in incits.org insert a 3-digit revision number between
> <auto-generated-5-digit-number> and <whatever-you-want-afterwards>.
> For "regular" papers, I have chosen <whatever-you-want-afterwards> to
> take the form "mNNN-<J3-paper-number>" where NNN is the meeting number
> where the paper was discussed. For special kinds of papers, like draft
> agendas, minutes, certain standing documents, etc., then
> <whatever-you-want-afterwards> may take a different form, such as
> "m223-minutes."
> As an example, paper 21-123.txt at meeting 223 was the 31st document
> uploaded to incits.org in 2021, so its name became
> PL22.3-2021-00031-m223-21-123.txt. Revision 21-123r1.txt then replaced
> it, and so its name became PL22.3-2021-00031-001-m223-21-123.txt where
> the "r1" suffix became the "001" prefix. An "r2" revision on
> j3-fortran.org would become a "002" prefix in incits.org, and so on.
> The translation from the traditional paper number to INCITS paper
> number is a bit clumsy, but I think it is unambiguous.
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