[J3] An inquiry about the extension with pointer function reference introduced in Fortran 2008

Malcolm Cohen malcolm at nag-j.co.jp
Tue Mar 9 00:05:45 UTC 2021

Steve Lionel writes:

> Compilers that reject this example (ifort gives the second error) are incorrect.


Or just have not yet implemented that Fortran 2008 feature. Several compilers are yet to claim full F2008 conformance. I would conjecture that the ones Vipul are using are such.


Pointer function references as variables is not a small feature, so yes I expect compilers to have bugs. But Vipul’s example seems fairly innocuous, not going into any of the dark corners, so IMO it’s far more likely that it’s simply unimplemented rather than buggy.


I note that the NAG compiler is one that has as of Release 7.0 (Yurakucho) not yet implemented this. It will be in the next release. I can say that there are lots of “interesting” interactions with various language and compiler features!




..............Malcolm Cohen, NAG Oxford/Tokyo.


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