[J3] An inquiry about the extension with pointer function reference introduced in Fortran 2008

Vipul Parekh parekhvs at gmail.com
Mon Mar 8 03:31:18 UTC 2021

On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 7:33 PM Malcolm Cohen via J3 <
j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org> wrote:

> ..
> So you can’t make rigorous reasoning from the Introduction. If you want
> rigorous reasoning, you need to find the normative text elsewhere.* ..*

Yes, the sentence from the Introduction I quoted wasn't meant to imply
anything normative in and of itself.  Rather, it was only meant as a quick
pointer to the extension and a reminder to those who may have been involved
with all the work that went into the 2008 standard.

I've looked a fair amount into the text elsewhere in the standard and
attempted some reasoning as to whether the pointer function reference is an
expression or not, whether it refers to the pointer or the target, and the
argument association in the context of INTENT(INOUT), and so forth.  But my
takeaways are likely wrong-headed .

Hence I am hoping for replies such as "no, the code does not conform" (or
"yes, it does").  And any explanation, brief or extensive, to go with the

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