[J3] [EXTERNAL] Holding dates for J3 meeting 225
Bill Long
longb at cray.com
Fri Mar 5 19:41:05 UTC 2021
> On Mar 5, 2021, at 12:23 PM, Clune, Thomas L. (GSFC-6101) via J3 <j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org> wrote:
> If it is becomes possible, I would certainly prefer F2F for 225. If nothing else just to escape my basement desk.
Same for me. F2F is preferred for October, 2021 if possible. I think F2F meetings are more productive, and Las Vegas is nice in October.
> At the same time, I suspect that even if INCITS allows it, my employer will probably still not be allowing non mission-critical travel in the October time frame.
I might have the same issue, though the company is saving money having us WFH already. Given that my travel expense report for a Las Vegas trip is usually low anyway, I might even be willing to pay for it out-of-pocket if necessary.
> If we are fully virtual, then I very much liked the MT split format we used for this previous meeting (m223).
> My hope is that we could delay a commitment either way for F2F for as long as is practical. (Unless there are only a small minority like myself that still want F2F at all.)
> - Tom
> On 3/5/21, 1:09 PM, "J3 on behalf of Brian Friesen via J3" <j3-bounces at mailman.j3-fortran.org on behalf of j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> a few people have asked about dates for meeting 225 in October.
> Currently INCITS requires all meetings to be fully remote through May
> 31. The Executive Board plans to review this requirement at a meeting
> next week to decide whether to extend or retire it.
> Given the uncertainty of future of shelter-in-place restrictions, and
> how difficult it is to plan around such uncertainty, I personally
> would prefer for meeting 225 to be fully remote, assuming the INCITS
> EB allows it to be remote, even if they do not require it. Regardless
> of members' personal preference about remote vs F2F meetings, J3 has
> demonstrated that it can conduct business efficiently in a remote
> environment.
> Regarding dates, historically the October meeting has taken place
> during the 2nd full week of October, which this year is the week of
> October 11. The possible configurations could be:
> - F2F: October 11-15 (with travel on Oct 10 and 15/16)
> - remote, split week with Mon/Tues like m223: October 11-12, 18-19
> - remote, split week but different than Mon/Tues: sometime between
> October 11-22
> So for the purposes of planning activities which might conflict with
> J3 meeting 225, I suggest reserving October 10-22 for m225, until we
> decide the precise dates and format.
> If you have opinions regarding how m225 should be configured, please
> share them here.
> I will keep you all updated regarding the INCITS EB's decision about
> the remote requirement for future meetings.
Bill Long longb at hpe.com
Engineer/Master , Fortran Technical Support & voice: 651-605-9024
Bioinformatics Software Development fax: 651-605-9143
Hewlett Packard Enterprise/ 2131 Lindau Lane/ Suite 1000/ Bloomington, MN 55425
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