[J3] [EXTERNAL] Holding dates for J3 meeting 225
Clune, Thomas L. (GSFC-6101)
thomas.l.clune at nasa.gov
Fri Mar 5 18:23:37 UTC 2021
If it is becomes possible, I would certainly prefer F2F for 225. If nothing else just to escape my basement desk.
At the same time, I suspect that even if INCITS allows it, my employer will probably still not be allowing non mission-critical travel in the October time frame. If we are fully virtual, then I very much liked the MT split format we used for this previous meeting (m223).
My hope is that we could delay a commitment either way for F2F for as long as is practical. (Unless there are only a small minority like myself that still want F2F at all.)
- Tom
On 3/5/21, 1:09 PM, "J3 on behalf of Brian Friesen via J3" <j3-bounces at mailman.j3-fortran.org on behalf of j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org> wrote:
Hi everyone,
a few people have asked about dates for meeting 225 in October.
Currently INCITS requires all meetings to be fully remote through May
31. The Executive Board plans to review this requirement at a meeting
next week to decide whether to extend or retire it.
Given the uncertainty of future of shelter-in-place restrictions, and
how difficult it is to plan around such uncertainty, I personally
would prefer for meeting 225 to be fully remote, assuming the INCITS
EB allows it to be remote, even if they do not require it. Regardless
of members' personal preference about remote vs F2F meetings, J3 has
demonstrated that it can conduct business efficiently in a remote
Regarding dates, historically the October meeting has taken place
during the 2nd full week of October, which this year is the week of
October 11. The possible configurations could be:
- F2F: October 11-15 (with travel on Oct 10 and 15/16)
- remote, split week with Mon/Tues like m223: October 11-12, 18-19
- remote, split week but different than Mon/Tues: sometime between
October 11-22
So for the purposes of planning activities which might conflict with
J3 meeting 225, I suggest reserving October 10-22 for m225, until we
decide the precise dates and format.
If you have opinions regarding how m225 should be configured, please
share them here.
I will keep you all updated regarding the INCITS EB's decision about
the remote requirement for future meetings.
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