[J3] (SC22WG5.6323) Lars Mossberg, 1940-2020

John Reid John.Reid at stfc.ac.uk
Fri Jan 15 14:07:35 UTC 2021

I am very sorry to report the death of Lars Mossberg on 9 July. He was a 
regular attendee of WG5, representing Sweden in the build-up to Fortran 
He attended a meeting of WG5 in every year from 1995 to 2003, and was
secretary for the 2001 and 2003 meetings. Lars will be remembered fondly 
by all
those that attended WG5 at that time. He worked for both Volvo and 
University. He hosted a meeting in his home town of Trollhatten in 1998.
I remember him as a gentle man who was a calming influence whenever we had
difficulties and as being very helpful as a regular, constructive member of
the drafting committee.

Mind you, he was not so gentle on the tennis court. I was the only WG5 
to agree to play him. I always lost despite a handicap of being allowed 
faulty serves without losing the point. In Cadarache, it was very hot and I
remember each taking 2 litres of water on the court and drinking on every
change of end. The game was abandoned when the water ran out.

Recently, he had been battling with cancer but was still playing tennis.
Alison and I last saw him when we went to Sweden on holiday in 2016 when 
and Vivi-Anne made us very welcome in their house and showed us their 
house and many local sights. Here is a picture from that time.

It was a privilege to know such a lovely man and I would like to record my
condolences to Vivi-Anne.

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