[J3] Remove requirement that passed-object dummy argument is required to be scalar?
Van Snyder
van.snyder at sbcglobal.net
Fri Dec 10 02:28:06 UTC 2021
On Thu, 2021-12-09 at 23:15 +0000, Brad Richardson via J3 wrote:
> How would the procedure be called with a scalar then? I.e.
> type(list_t) :: my_list
> ...
> if (my_list%check_list()) then
> ...
If it's called with a scalar, e.g. "call list%check_list," then the
check_list procedure can't access the previous and next items because
it doesn't have access to the array.
> I think to remove the constraint would require new features to deal
> with all these kinds of cases.
I'm not sure what other cases would need attention. I didn't read the
whole standard again, but in my superficial study, I couldn't find
anywhere that "scalar" vs, "array" for the passed-object dummy argument
would make a difference -- except in C760.
> On Thu, 2021-12-09 at 15:06 -0800, Van Snyder via J3 wrote:
> Is there a technical reason that the passed-object dummy argument is
> required to be a scalar?
> In an old code, have a module with a "list" type that manages double-
> linked lists, where the links are subscripts in an array of "list"
> type. The current version of the "list" type has a single additional
> "item" component of type integer that is a subscript into another
> array. I'd like to extend the list type to incorporate a component of
> that other type (or its its components), rather than needing two
> types, and needing to connect the objects using subscripts. This
> would be trivial using a parameterized module instead of type
> extension.
> One of the module procedures checks that the list is consistent, by
> verifying that the "next" component of the previous list item is in
> fact the current item, and the same for the next one.
> If something goes wrong, it calls another procedure to dump the list
> item -- along with its predecessor and successor.
> I can't make those procedures type-bound procedures because the
> passed-object dummy argument is required to be a scalar.
> Therefore, I can't inherit those procedures into extension types, and
> override them.
> A work-around kludge is to make "list" have a single array component
> that is the real list. This adds another level of component selection
> in every reference.
> Another kludge is to use pointers to scalar "list" objects, instead
> of subscripts, but that's an invitation to memory leaks because we
> don't have reference-counted targets or intrinsic garbage collection.
> If there is no compelling reason that the passed-object dummy
> argument is required to be a scalar, can that clause of C760 be
> removed?
> logical function Check_List ( List, Message ) result ( Wrong )
> ! Verify that each list item's predecessor's "next" component indexes
> ! that item, and the same for its successor mutatis mutandis.
> class(list_t), intent(in) :: List(:)
> character(*), intent(in), optional :: Message
> integer :: I, N, P
> do i = 1, size(list)
> p = list(i)%prev
> n = list(i)%next
> wrong = .false.
> if ( p /= 0 ) wrong = list(p)%next /= i
> if ( n /= 0 ) wrong = wrong .or. list(n)%prev /= i
> if ( wrong ) then
> if ( present(message) ) write ( unit, '(a)' ) trim(message)
> call dump_list_item ( list, i, prevNext=1 )
> end if
> end do
> end function Check_List
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