[J3] ALLOCATE with source-expr determining the array bound & resulting lower bound

Tobias Burnus burnus at net-b.de
Wed Dec 1 07:37:36 UTC 2021

On 01.12.21 00:09, Van Snyder wrote:
>>   allocate(c, source=h(3))

I want to come back to my original question. I think we do agree what 
lbound(h(3),1) gives (namely: 1) and, personally, I do not see an issue 
with lbound.

However, for allocate with source-expr I still wonder about the bounds.

And I still think it would be useful to explicitly state that the lower 
bounds comes from applying LBOUND to the source-expr. (Matching what is 
done at several other places in the standard: intrinsic assignments to 
allocatables, pointer association, 'associate', 'select rank'.)

> The result value of h(3) is allocatable and therefore its bound(s) are 
> the ones specified when it was allocated (15.3.3, 15.5.3).

I note that Malcolm wrote elsewhere in this thread: “Only variables and 
components can have the ALLOCATABLE attribute. The result of referencing 
a function whose result variable has the ALLOCATABLE attribute is a 
value that does not itself have the ALLOCATABLE attribute”


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