[J3] (SC22WG5.6256) 2022 WG5 meeting

Steve Lionel steve at stevelionel.com
Mon Jun 22 20:10:44 EDT 2020

Some people in this thread are replying to the J3 list only, and some to 
BOTH J3 and WG5, which results in duplicates. Please pay attention when 
you reply.

That said, there are two, somewhat separate issues being discussed here. 
I started by asking about potential hosts for the 2022 WG5 meeting. We 
have two proposals so far that fulfill the requirements for a WG5 
meeting. (Van's suggestion of Pasadena is as a location only - he has 
said he is not able to provide the meeting rooms and other 
infrastructure a WG5 meeting requires, and as I've mentioned earlier we 
can't rely on a free room tossed in with a hotel block.) Most of us are 
familiar with both Berkeley and Mesa Labs, as they were the sites for 
the previous two NA WG5 meetings. Maybe someone can offer a site towards 
the East coast? (Tom discussed NASA sites - that would be nice.)

Then a separate exchange started about meeting places for J3 when it is 
not joint with WG5. Some have expressed antipathy to Las Vegas for 
these, though I haven't spotted specific objections. I would ask those 
interested in alternative locations to get together with Dan and Jon (J3 
Treasurer) to research sites elsewhere, identifying venues and gathering 
data on costs. As Bill has mentioned, Vegas has many advantages, but 
they're not unique. Among he many factors to consider is the typical 
weather in February and October, our usual J3 meeting months. It's not 
sufficient to name a favorite city and then rely on others to make it work.

As nice as it is, the suggestion that NVidia could host multiple 
meetings is likely to be problematic for representatives of other 
vendors. WG5 met at IBM Canada once, and we were scheduled to meet at 
Cray's offices in Minneapolis this year, so vendor hosting is not 
unheard of, but I don't think we want to get in the habit of using any 
one vendor's facilities as an ongoing host. That said, if NVidia wants 
to put together a proposal for a WG5 meeting in 2022, we'd gladly look 
at that.


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