[J3] (SC22WG5.6237) Professionalism and Respect
Van Snyder
van.snyder at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jun 15 18:25:38 EDT 2020
Thanks to Bryce getting a stick up his ass, and complaining that my
four-word opinion of the survey was "unacceptable" and violated the ISO
code of conduct, then proceeding to abuse me in the WG5 list, and
privately, for a week thereafter, and "reporting" the incident to you
and Dan and Jennifer Garner, and Damian advocating that I should be
censored, I've decided to withdraw from active participation in J3 and
Were any others of the thought police "reported" for violating the ISO
code of conduct for the way they abused me, or am I the only one who
isn't sufficiently "woke" not to be castigated for using one forbidden
You can leave me on the WG5 and J3 lists, but I shall not reply to
If anybody wants my opinion, they can ask privately. I might or might
not respond.
I tremendously enjoyed my years with J3, but I'm too old to tolerate
this kind of abuse from Bryce and Damian.
On Mon, 2020-06-15 at 09:35 -0400, Steve Lionel via J3 wrote:
> Recently, some within PL22.3 (J3) have raised concerns about
> conduct and behavior that is expected within PL22.3 and WG5. This
> prompted a meeting of Steve (WG5 Convenor), Dan (PL22.3 Chair) and
> Bryce (PL22 Chair) with the INCITS Executive Board, INCITS
> Secretariat, and ANSI Secretariat, to discuss the situation
> (including two particular incidents) and decide how we can improve
> the environment in which we conduct our work.
> Our conduct and behavior can have a ???chilling effect??? on
> participation, as was the case in the incidents discussed at the
> Executive Board meeting. Some, especially newcomers, have begun to
> question how open the Fortran committee is to the opinions and
> participation of others. Those of us who have been on the committee a
> long time have tended to shrug off such things as ???Oh, that???s just X
> being X,???. We haven???t recognized the negative effect that tolerating
> some types of behavior has on new and prospective members. If we
> don???t take positive action now to change our collective behavior, our
> ability to continue work on the Fortran language may be threatened.
> PL22.3 and WG5 operate under INCITS, ANSI, ISO and IEC. Each
> (except INCITS, which is developing one) has their own ???Code of
> Conduct??? (links provided below), and we???re expected to follow all of
> them. But they???re all in agreement on the important point of
> respecting others and behaving ethically.
> ISO???s Code of Conduct says (in part):
> We are committed to:
> Respecting others and the professional culture of
> international standardization within ISO
> Conducting ourselves in a professional manner
> Respecting others and the diversity of professional
> opinions ??? scientific, technical, or otherwise
> Embracing the concepts of compromise and consensus-building
> in the development of ISO standards
> Accepting and respecting consensus decisions of the
> committee or working group and of the ISO/TMB
> Making the effort to hear and understand the views of all,
> regardless of the diversity of acceptable accents and levels of
> command of the language of the meeting
> We will:
> Act in good faith and with due care and diligence
> Avoid collusive or anticompetitive behavior
> Promote a culture of fair and ethical behavior, without
> prejudice against any ISO actor based on any human differences
> Refrain from debate and discussion that is disrespectful,
> threatening (mental or physical), or otherwise unprofessional in tone
> or which is offensive to other participants and damaging to ISO and
> the overall process of achieving consensus
> ANSI's Code of Conduct says:
> Although it is recognized that legitimate differences of
> opinion can exist on individual issues, Participants should act in a
> dignified and courteous manner, so as to avoid injuring others, their
> property, reputation, or employment by false, malicious or improper
> action and to avoid acting in a disrespectful or unprofessional
> manner towards other Members or ANSI staff.
> In all discussion, debate, and deliberation, Participants
> should confine their comments to the merits of the issues under
> review. Although Participants may forcefully advocate their views or
> positions, they should be candid and forthcoming about any weaknesses
> in their position, and they should refrain from debate and discussion
> that is disrespectful or unprofessional in tone or that is unduly
> personalized or damaging to the overall process of achieving
> consensus.
> We want the Fortran committee to be a welcoming environment
> for everyone. This means having a professional, technical discussion
> of issues, without raised voices or insults. It means not being
> dismissive of attempts to make the committee more inclusive. It means
> consensus-building, which sometimes ends up having the standard go in
> a direction that you may not like.
> We are all expected to make every effort to ensure our
> behavior is appropriate. What matters is not whether we find our own
> actions offensive or disrespectful; it's whether others find them
> offensive or disrespectful. It costs us little to avoid to have
> empathy for and avoid causing harm to our colleagues. We can always
> find a different way of expressing ourselves.
> In future meetings, reminders of the Code of Conduct will be
> more prominent, and we will quickly put a halt to offensive behavior.
> If you are uncomfortable or unhappy with anything that happens at a
> meeting, or in communications between meetings, please feel free to
> approach Dan or Steve about it privately.
> We???re all committed to the future of Fortran - that???s why
> we???re on the committee. We can be most effective and efficient when
> we collaborate ethically and respectfully. Let???s make it happen.
> Steve Lionel (WG5 Convenor)
> Dan Nagle (PL22.3 Chair)
> Bryce Adelstein Lelbach (PL22 Chair)
> Links to Codes of Conduct:
> ISO:
> https://www.iso.org/files/live/sites/isoorg/files/store/en/PUB100397.pdf
> IEC:
> https://basecamp.iec.ch/download/iec-code-of-conduct-for-delegates-and-experts/
> ANSI: https://www.ansi.org/publicstatements/Code-of-Conduct
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