[J3] Clarification on F18/017

Malcolm Cohen malcolm at nag-j.co.jp
Tue Jun 9 03:46:57 EDT 2020

Hi Ondrej,


> In your analysis you explained that due to automatic deallocation predating finalizers, it is natural for some compilers to allow CBPA. 
>Is there any other motivation to allow the CBPA order?

In principle, there should not be any ordering required by the standard between non-overlapping finalizable objects. Having the standard mandate ordering (or anything else) unnecessarily, places restrictions on the technology used by Fortran processors. Such restrictions should be kept to a minimum.


The lack of unnecessary restrictions is one of the reasons Fortran processors can more easily achieve higher performance than other languages. Ordering restrictions are well known for limiting potential optimizations.


> From the user perspective, the CBPA order is unexpected and surprising. In our opinion based on the discussion so far, it should not be allowed by the Standard.

I too use Fortran as a user, and when I do, I frequently make substantial use of the object-oriented features. I do not find that order to be surprising.


It has been noted by other users that type extension, except for inheritance of type-bound procedures, works very similarly to embedding the “parent type” as the first component. I have also heard it expressed that some of those users would prefer it to work more like embedding than it does already.


However, I note that embedding does not provide any ordering of the newly-embedded (and no longer “parent”) component, and so there is not even any ordering between B and P in that case, you end up with C followed by A B and P in any order whatsoever.


Now, I’m not a great fan of the “type extension is like embedding plus type-bound-procedure cleverness” model of thinking about it, but it is undeniably not uncommon.




..............Malcolm Cohen, NAG Oxford/Tokyo.


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