[J3] [EXTERNAL] (SC22WG5.6222) Fwd: [SC22] ISO Gender Action Plan Survey

Gary Klimowicz gak at pobox.com
Fri Jun 5 02:07:42 EDT 2020

> On Jun 2, 2020, at 3:45 PM, Bryce Adelstein Lelbach aka wash via J3 <j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org> wrote:
>> This is absurdly irrelevant politics.
> When we are a small part of something big, it can be difficult to
> understand the wider context. Please allow me to provide some
> perspective.
> ...
> Our most valuable asset is our member organizations and their networks
> of technical experts. The success of ISO standards hinges upon the
> participation of a diverse stakeholders representative of the entire
> global community. We are all responsible for identifying and fixing
> representation gaps.
> ISO standards codify processes and technologies vital to human life,
> such as food chain management (ISO 22000, [4]), and water
> management/sanitation (ISO 24518, [5]). These standards impact all
> people, and often disproportionately affect women in developing
> countries. If some types of people are underrepresented in standards
> development, how can we have confidence that those standards will
> work?

This. And what Damian and Brian said. And what Steve said. And the other things Bryce said.

We have a habit of saying things in J3 in a way that is easily read as offensive, hurtful, or dismissive. We cannot fully understand the consequences of how we say things.

So we kind of need to cut it out. Myself included.

And I took the survey. Data matters. (And while I can't guarantee that the survey will be valid and valuable if I participate, I can guarantee that it won't be if I don't.)


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