[J3] (SC22WG5.6224) [Fwd: [SC22] ISO Gender Action Plan Survey]

Bryce Adelstein Lelbach aka wash brycelelbach at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 20:52:52 EDT 2020


I apologize if I offended you, that was not my intention. Likewise,
I'm sorry if you felt that the ISO Gender Action Plan or survey was an
attempt to accuse or place blame on you.

I understand and sympathize with your desire to express your opinions
on this matter. However, there are two issues: (0) the way you
expressed your opinion was hurtful to others in this group, and (1)
your remarks were off-topic.

ISO technical work is governed by a code of conduct, which ensures
that ISO is safe, inclusive and welcoming. We have all agreed to
follow it by participating. It asks us to refrain from debate or
discussion that is disrespectful or offensive /to other participants/.

I'm sure you feel that your remarks were not disrespectful or
offensive and that it was not your intent to offend anyone. I'm
certain that you wouldn't have posted them otherwise. However, neither
your interpretation nor your intent matters here; what matters is that
others were offended or harmed by your remarks. Of course, there will
be times where we inadvertently offend our ISO colleagues. The
expectation is that we do our best to not offend or harm others with
our behavior. That means we must think carefully about if and how we
should express our thoughts. If we do cause offense despite our best
efforts, we are expected to rectify the situation.

Additionally, WG5 and PL22.3 is not an appropriate place to discuss
your personal opinions about gender equality, politics, or education
reform. The survey that Steve distributed at the request of the ISO
Council contained information about how to provide feedback and ask
questions about the ISO Gender Action Plan and survey (you email
gender at iso.org).

Imagine for a moment that you are a young female compiler engineer
subscribed to this mailing list or reviewing the archive. Such an
individual probably already feels like an outsider, an imposter,
someone who does not belong. Such an individual might interpret your
post as a signal that gender equality is not important to this group
and might confirm their fear that they do not belong. The strength of
that signal can be increased if no one spoke up contrary to your post,
which is one of the reasons that I have chosen to respond to you
publicly instead of privately.

> It's fine to object to what I wrote, but NOT ACCEPTABLE to advocate censorship!

No censorship has occurred. Your post has not been removed from the
WG5 and PL22.3 archives. Your access to the WG5 and PL22.3 mailing
lists has not been revoked.

There are many forums where you are free to express yourself in
whatever way you wish. This is not one of them.

> Fortunately, the WG5 mailing list does not yet have a censor.

No, it does not have a censor. But behavior on the WG5 mailing list is
governed by the ISO code of conduct.

Bryce Adelstein Lelbach aka wash
US Programming Language Standards (PL22) Chair
ISO C++ Library Evolution Chair
CppCon and C++Now Program Chair
CUDA Core C++ Libraries (Thrust, CUB, libcu++) Lead @ NVIDIA

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