[J3] List of passed papers with approved edits
Bill Long
longb at cray.com
Wed Jul 22 08:43:12 EDT 2020
> On Jul 22, 2020, at 7:00 AM, Robert Corbett via J3 <j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org> wrote:
> The definition I am proposing is
> procedure pointer
> procedure with the POINTER
> attribute
That seems fine.
I suspect the EXTERNAL bit was left over from before we allowed pointers to internal procedures.
> That definition appears to satisfy
> the requirement you cite at least
> as well as the existing definition.
> The following paragraph explains
> why it is OK to drop the
> requirement that a procedure
> pointer have the EXTERNAL
> attribute. I do not intend that any
> part of the paragraph be added
> to the standard. There are a
> few places in the standard that
> need to change to accommodate
> the new definition, which is why
> I volunteered to write an edit
> paper.
> Bob Corbett
>> On Jul 21, 2020, at 2:25 PM, Bill Long via J3 <j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org> wrote:
>> I thought the text in the definitions in Clause 3 were supposed to be text that can be substituted in a normal sentence for the term being defined. The current definition passes that standard. The proposed replacement is not even close. It seems more like normative text that might appear in the subclause where procedure pointers are described.
>> Cheers,
>> BIll
>>> On Jul 19, 2020, at 3:09 AM, Robert Corbett via J3 <j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org> wrote:
>>> I recommend against using the edit in paper
>>> 19-144 in the 202x standard. That edit was
>>> intended to be as small as possible for the
>>> interp. A better edit is possible for the
>>> 202x standard.
>>> The definition of a procedure pointer in
>>> 18-0007r1 is
>>> 3.108.2
>>> procedure pointer
>>> procedure with the EXTERNAL and POINTER
>>> attributes
>>> A better definition is
>>> procedure with the POINTER attribute
>>> Any procedure with the POINTER attribute
>>> is a procedure pointer. Any procedure
>>> does not have the POINTER attribute is not
>>> a procedure pointer. The EXTERNAL
>>> attribute adds nothing. The presence or
>>> absence of the EXTERNAL attribute does
>>> affect which procedures can or cannot be
>>> given the POINTER attribute.
>>> I can write an edit paper for this change.
>>> The change is small, though it is larger
>>> than the edit in 19-144.
>>> Robert Corbett
>>> On Saturday, July 18, 2020, 10:46:53 PM PDT, Malcolm Cohen via J3 <j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Below is my list of papers with approved edits either for approved features or editorial. I went through all the papers back to meeting 218 (before that I believe we were still in F2018 mode).
>>> If anyone thinks there is anything wrong with this list (a missing paper, or a paper is included that should not be, or I have not listed the most recent revision, or there is a paper before meeting 218 which needs to be applied), please let me know asap. Otherwise the wrongness will be included in the next 007 draft where it could be a lot harder to spot!
>>> (If you don’t see anything wrong, no need to comment as I am proceeding on the assumption that having checked everything twice, it’s probably okay.)
>>> Paper action list
>>> -----------------
>>> 1. Editorial
>>> m218:
>>> 18-267 "Syntax errors in example codes"
>>> 19-115 "Making note of Statement Entities"
>>> 19-117 "Coarrays of type TEAM_TYPE"
>>> 19-143 "remaining block data subprogram"
>>> 19-144 "procedure pointer components"
>>> 19-162r1 "C_PTRDIFF_T"
>>> m219:
>>> 19-165r1 "State that RECURSIVE has no semantics"
>>> 19-183r3 "Clarification of global identifier"
>>> 19-205 "Tweak wording in 19.4"
>>> m220:
>>> 19-220r1 "Editorial fix to the description of REDUCE intrinsic"
>>> 19-233r1 "Minor editorial glitches"
>>> m221:
>>> 20-100 "Editorial fix to Example for GET_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE intrinsic"
>>> 20-102r2 "FORM TEAM and failed images"
>>> 20-104r3 "Collective subroutines and STAT="
>>> 20-119 "Missing list items in 19.6.6"
>>> 20-123 "Edits for procedure pointer association"
>>> 2. Featural
>>> m218:
>>> 19-137r2 "Specifications and Edits of AT" [this is US10]
>>> 19-138r1 "Specification and Edits for longer statements" [this is US01/US02]
>>> 19-139r1 "Specifications and Edits for log<n> & friends" [this is US06/US07/US08]
>>> 19-147r1 "SELECTED_LOGICAL_KIND" [this is US06/US07/US08]
>>> 19-149r1 "Require reports of ignorance" [this is US01/US02,]
>>> 19-156r1 "Control of leading zero in formatted numeric output" [this is US11]
>>> m219:
>>> XXXX Superseded 19-194r1 "C_F_POINTER modification for feature UK-01" do 19-238r1 instead.
>>> 19-195 "longer lines missing edit US01"
>>> 19-197r3 "Edits for C_F_STRPOINTER and F_C_STRING (US09)"
>>> 19-203r1 "Degree trigonometric functions (US04)"
>>> 19-204r1 "IEEE Circular trigonometric functions (US05)"
>>> m220:
>>> 19-238r1 "C_F_POINTER modification for feature UK-01"
>>> 19-250r1 "US 12, arrays of coarrays"
>>> 19-254r2 "Edits for ISO_FORTRAN_STRINGS US03"
>>> 19-255r2 "Add reductions to DO CONCURRENT (US20)"
>>> 19-256r2, "US-23 Part 2, Standardizing use of BOZ constants"
>>> 19-259r1 "Edits for Put with Notify" [this is US13, and is missing from 20-010r1]
>>> m221:
>>> 20-114r1 "Edits for TYPEOF and CLASSOF" [this is US16/17/18/24]
>>> 20-116r1 "Edits for SIMPLE procedures" [this is US15]
>>> 20-122r1 "Edits for US14 (auto-allocate characters)"
>>> 20-126r1 "Rank-agnostic allocation and pointer assignment Edits" [allegedly US16/17/18/24]
>>> Cheers,
>>> --
>>> ..............Malcolm Cohen, NAG Oxford/Tokyo.
>> Bill Long longb at cray.com
>> Principal Engineer, Fortran Technical Support & voice: 651-605-9024
>> Bioinformatics Software Development fax: 651-605-9143
>> Cray, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company/ 2131 Lindau Lane/ Suite 1000/ Bloomington, MN 55425
Bill Long longb at cray.com
Principal Engineer, Fortran Technical Support & voice: 651-605-9024
Bioinformatics Software Development fax: 651-605-9143
Cray, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company/ 2131 Lindau Lane/ Suite 1000/ Bloomington, MN 55425
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