[J3] posts

Malcolm Cohen malcolm at nag-j.co.jp
Thu Jan 23 18:55:32 EST 2020

That is not under “Edits” for *any* feature whatsoever, let alone one assigned to JoR.


It is an editorial correction. It does not need any agenda time scheduled for it!!!


You should write the paper (as Bill advised) and at the meeting the paper will be assigned to some subgroup. Like, /EDIT, since /EDIT has to review it anyway.




..............Malcolm Cohen, NAG Oxford/Tokyo.


From: J3 <j3-bounces at mailman.j3-fortran.org> On Behalf Of Vipul Parekh via J3
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2020 2:54 AM
To: General J3 interest list <j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org>
Cc: Vipul Parekh <parekhvs at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [J3] posts


On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 11:49 AM Dan Nagle via J3
<j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org <mailto:j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org> > wrote:
> Hi,
> As others have noted, we usually schedule things like this
> on the fly.
> I agree to get as much input as possible from Fortran programmers.
> But, as Bill noted, our top priority *at this time* is to get 202x into shape
> for presentation to WG5 in June.
> Under the heading of "old business",
> JoR will look at the Fortran annex to 24772; this is the work
> for the joint meeting with WG23. (I believe all JoR's features are complete
> through edits. That is not to say no further efforts will be consumed,
> only that, given the feedback received so far, there are no known issues.)
> ..

Thank you, Dan, for your response and feedback.

Do you think JoR can follow up under Edits the typo mentioned here?

Vipul Parekh


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