[J3] posts

Ondřej Čertík ondrej at certik.us
Wed Jan 22 14:41:37 EST 2020

Hi Brad,

On Wed, Jan 22, 2020, at 12:32 PM, Brad Richardson via J3 wrote:
> To point 1. Why would consensus be needed for feedback? Wouldn't it be 
> sufficient to just recap discussions had as feedback? And any other 
> feedback would be given offline by either members of the committee 
> individually or members of the community?

Yes, it is sufficient to recap the discussion as a feedback, no consensus necessary. That's all I am asking for. I volunteer to recap it and post it to the particular GitHub issue.

> I would think that if the committee is actively engaged with the 
> community that nearly all feedback from committee members would happen 
> prior to the meeting anyways, and any time spent on proposals at the 
> meetings would mostly be a formality and a chance to get the proposal 
> on record.

That and also sometimes it's easier / more efficient to have a quick back and forth in person. But it's quick, since all the actual difficult technical discussion happened beforehand.

> I would hope that Certik's efforts with the Github repository are a 
> significant step towards making the above a feasible workflow.

Thank you. I think it will work out great for the Committee if we give it a chance.


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