[J3] (SC22WG5.6150) Info about 2020 meeting in Minneapolis (Bloomington), Minnesota

Steve Lionel steve at stevelionel.com
Thu Feb 13 10:44:15 EST 2020

A preliminary "local arrangements" document, regarding the June meeting 
in Minneapolis, is now available as WG5 document N2174 ( 
).  It contains a link for hotel reservations - please note the cutoff 
date for the group booking price. Bill says that the chance of snow then 
is low.

You are also now able to "register" as an attendee for the WG5 meeting 
at https://sd.iso.org/meetings/57853/attendees/ . There's no obligation 
to do so, but it would be helpful if people planning on attending would 
register so we have a general idea of numbers.


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