[J3] [EXTERNAL] Re: What is Jeopardy?

Holcomb, Katherine A (kah3f) kah3f at virginia.edu
Thu Dec 10 15:02:52 EST 2020

Much of the "learn to code" argle bargle really means "learn HTML and CSS and maybe some Javascript."  Most people can't distinguish a markup language from a programming language since both are "computery."  I can't really blame laypeople since they have little exposure to what "code" means. 

Looks like they snubbed C++ also.  My guess is they got the answers from some general-interest Website found by googling around since it's not credible to me that any computer scientist would suggest Basic (by which I assume they really mean Visual Basic), much less HTML.  Probably some list of "most popular programming languages" (Python is a tell there since it's been near the top of the charts for a while now, and Java is often #1 on such lists).

Katherine Holcomb 
UVA Research Computing   https://www.rc.virginia.edu
kah3f at virginia.edu  434-982-5948

On 12/10/20, 2:44 PM, "J3 on behalf of Reuben D. Budiardja via J3" <j3-bounces at mailman.j3-fortran.org on behalf of j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org> wrote:

    And HTML is not even a programming language ...
    On 12/10/2020 08:30 AM, Bill Long via J3 wrote:
    > Interesting.  Might say more about Jeopardy than Fortran.  The probably asked CS professors, almost none of whom know Fortran. Magne excepted.
    > Cheers,
    > Bill
    >> On Dec 10, 2020, at 7:22 AM, Clune, Thomas L. (GSFC-6101) via J3 <j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org> wrote:
    >> Last night’s episode had the category “Programming Languages”.   We should feel slighted.    C,  Python, Java sure.   HTML and Basic, ugh.   But Fortran was not on the list.
    > Bill Long                                                                       longb at hpe.com
    > Engineer/Master , Fortran Technical Support &   voice:  651-605-9024
    > Bioinformatics Software Development                      fax:  651-605-9143
    > Hewlett Packard Enterprise/ 2131 Lindau Lane/  Suite 1000/  Bloomington, MN  55425
    Reuben D. Budiardja, Ph.D.
    reubendb at ornl.gov | (865) 576-9519
    National Center for Computational Sciences
    Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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