[J3] Pointer intent posting on board

Malcolm Cohen malcolm at nag-j.co.jp
Mon Aug 17 20:33:46 EDT 2020

Hi folks,


I've made an initial posting on the "pointer intent" feature, which we
discussed in subgroup in February, with a concrete proposal to address the
concerns and ideas raised then, with proposed specs and suggestions for


Members of /DATA subgroup, and anyone else interested, is cordially invited
to view my posting and leave comments on the board. As usual I'm snowed
under, so I won't be monitoring the board very closely, but will try to look
in and respond to comments every day or two.


If anyone would prefer to make a private comment to me directly, instead of
publicly posting, please feel free to do so.


Depending on the comments, after about a week I will make another posting
addressing how we go forwards with this.


I note that the purpose here is to have our subgroup discussions and reach
consensus now, so that we will have a solid paper ready to go in October. I
appreciate that most people have busy day jobs, thus the relatively relaxed
timing... but we do need to get started pretty soon.




..............Malcolm Cohen, NAG Oxford/Tokyo.


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