[J3] Running for WG5 Convenor

Bryce Adelstein Lelbach aka wash brycelelbach at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 22:18:10 EDT 2020


> Since that was canceled, and our next J3 meeting isn't until October, I
expect that the US TAG will need to call a virtual meeting before then to
vote on an endorsement.

I'd check with Jennifer Garner at INCITS, but I do not believe it is either
necessary or allowed for INCITS personnel ballots, even advisory ones, to
be conducted in this manner.

Ballots for personnel matters like nominations are treated differently by
INCITS than other ballots - notably, they are supposed to be confidential.

As per the INCITS policies and procedures section 3.5.2:
> The results of TC, TG or SG LBs are confidential and are provided only as
advisory information to the Executive Board in the appointment process.

What typically happens is that there is an electronic advisory ballot; in
the case of one candidate, to either approve or reject, in the case of
multiple candidates, the advisory ballot is to select among them.

Next, (I believe) there will be an advisory ballot of the SC22 steering
committee, and then the Executive Board will do a non-advisory and binding
letter ballot.

My understanding is that all of these ballots will be issued by the INCITS
Secretariat, will be held electronically, and will be confidential.

It is possible that a virtual meeting could be held to discuss the
candidacy without taking a vote, but about the policy or prudence of that.
I could see it being useful, but personnel issues can be a delicate matter.

I'd suggest conferring with Jennifer Garner at INCITS about this.
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