[J3] Running for WG5 Convenor

Jérémie Vandenplas jeremie.vandenplas at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 12:50:23 EDT 2020

Dear Ondrej,

Great news. Nice platform. I fully agree with it.

Yours sincerely,


Le mar. 21 avr. 2020 à 17:00, Ondřej Čertík via J3 <
j3 at mailman.j3-fortran.org> a écrit :

> Hi,
> I would like to announce that I am running for the WG5 Convenor position.
> See my
> blog post for a high level background:
> https://ondrejcertik.com/blog/2020/04/running-for-wg5-convenor-announcement/
> and in particular see my platform and experience document, also linked in
> the
> blog post, that describes the issues as I see them and how I propose to
> work
> with the Committee to address them as a WG5 Convenor:
> https://ondrejcertik.com/wg5/platform_and_experience.pdf
> As I mention in the platform, I would be happy to discuss any details of
> the
> platform with anybody, please feel free to contact me (email, phone, video
> call,
> etc.) to talk privately, or we can discuss here publicly. I will also be
> contacting every member of the J3 committee to provide a venue for
> discussion.
> Looking forward,
> Ondrej Certik
> Los Alamos National Laboratory
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