[J3] (SC22WG5.6109) Reservation at Hotel Forest Hongo

TAKATA Masayuki takata at edogawa-u.ac.jp
Tue May 28 07:57:33 EDT 2019

WG5/J3 members,

This is to remind you that the June 1 deadline for room reservations at Forest
Hongo is approaching.

Currently, the following people are on the list of guests at Forest Hongo:

Reuben Budiardja (& Maudy)
Kiran Chandramohan
Daniel Chen
Tom Clune (& Marilyn)
Gary Klimowicz (& Suesan)
Steve Lionel
Bill Long
Dan Nagle
John Reid (& Alison)
Nathan Sircombe
Van Snyder (& Thuy)

If you are planning to stay there, but are not yet ready for reservation, please
let me know.  You will be added to the list tentatively, under the condition that
you can cancel your stay, without charge, until a new deadline.



Extract from N2163:
> Accommodation:
> A block of rooms is reserved for August 3-11 at the following hotel, which
> is about five-minute walk from the venue.
>        Hotel Forest Hongo (フォーレスト本郷)
>        6-16-4 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 113-0033
>        https://www.forest-hongo.com/en/
> To reserve one of these rooms at the special discount rates below, you need
> to send an email to the Local Host, not the hotel, by June 1, informing the
> following:
> - your name(s)
> - check-in/check-out dates
> - preferred room type
> - need of the buffet breakfast
> Your request will be treated in first-come-first-served manner.  Please send
> it as early as you can, to let us release the rooms for unnecessary nights.
> Special Room Rates (tax incl.):
> - Single B (1 pers.): 10,300 yen/night/room
> - Single B (2 pers.): 14,094 yen/night/room
> - Deluxe Single (1 pers.): 17,210 yen/night/room
> - Deluxe Single (2 pers.): 18,954 yen/night/room
> - Deluxe Single (2 pers. adding a sofa bed): 19,926 yen/night/room
> - Twin (2 pers.): 21,384 yen/night/room
> - Universal Twin (2 pers.): 21,384 yen/night/room
> Buffet Breakfast (tax incl.): 1,200 yen/person
> Payment should be done at the hotel.  Major credit cards including American
> Express, Visa, Mastercard, and Diners are acceptable.

Takata, Masayuki: Professor
Edogawa University, 474 Komaki, Nagareyama, Chiba 270-0198 Japan
phone: +81-4-7152-9957(direct)  fax: +81-4-7154-2490(shared)
email: takata at edogawa-u.ac.jp

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