[J3] Coarrays of type TEAM_TYPE

Steidel, Jon L jon.l.steidel at intel.com
Fri Jan 11 18:23:54 EST 2019

I think we there is a problem in 16.9.190, the description of THIS_IMAGE.  Page 421, p3, lines 27-29, in describing the COARRAY argument to THIS_IMAGE states

"COARRAY shall be a coarray of any type. ... If it is of type TEAM_TYPE from the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, the TEAM argument shall appear."

However, C747 on page 70 states (for Components)

"If a coarray-spec appears, the component shall not be of team C_PTR or C_FUNPTR from the intrinsic module ISO_C_BINDING (18.2), or of type TEAM_TYPE from the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV (16.10.2)."

and C824 on page 95 for the CODIMENSION attribute:

"A coarray shall not be of type C_PTR or C_FUNPTR from the intrinsic module ISO_C_BINDING (18.3.2), or of type TEAM_TYPE from the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV ("

So, it appears we cannot have a coarray of type TEAM_TYPE, yet we require the TEAM argument to be present when the COARRAY argument to THIS_IMAGE is of type TEAM_TYPE.

Am I missing something?

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