[J3] Changing address of an allocatable on assignment when shapes match

Malcolm Cohen malcolm at nag-j.co.jp
Fri Aug 23 20:10:30 EDT 2019

It is conforming to do the reallocation in the sample program. Actually, the sample program is not conforming, as it uses a nonstandard intrinsic, so technically it’s okay to do anything.

In general, it would not be conforming to do the reallocation if the allocatable array has the TARGET attribute, as this would break the Fortran pointer association semantics.

If LOC( X ) is merely shorthand for TRANSFER(C_LOC( X ),0), the TARGET attribute is necessary anyway to make the program conforming.


From: Steve Lionel via J3 
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2019 6:59 AM
To: fortran standards email list for J3 
Cc: Steve Lionel 
Subject: [J3] Changing address of an allocatable on assignment when shapes match

a user asks when the storage location of an allocatable array can change 
during intrinsic assignment. I responded that if the shapes (or lengths, 
or in the case of polymorphic, kinds) don't match, the variable is 
deallocated and then reallocated to match the expression. But if 
everything matches, is it conforming to do a reallocation anyway?

According to the user, Sun/Oracle Fortran Studio 12.6 (this may not be a 
current version) does the reallocate even if the shapes match (but 
doesn't in assignment to S(:). I could imagine that an implementor might 
do this to avoid copying data twice in case of an overlap, but it feels 
wrong to me. Other compilers I tried don't reallocate under these 
conditions. Also, the user reports that adding the TARGET attribute 
disables the reallocation.

What are people's thoughts on this - is it ok by the standard, even if a 
bit weird?


program test
implicit none
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: S
integer :: i, idx(7) = [1,3,5,7,2,4,6]

do i=1,size(S)
  S(i) = i*i
end do

write(6,*) S
write(6,*) loc(S)

S = S(idx)

write(6,*) S
write(6,*) loc(S)

S(:) = S(idx)

write(6,*) S
write(6,*) loc(S)


end program

$ sunf90 -V
f90: Studio 12.6 Fortran 95 8.8 Linux_i386 2017/05/30

$ sunf90 test.f90 ; ./a.out
1.0 4.0 9.0 16.0 25.0 36.0 49.0
1.0 9.0 25.0 49.0 4.0 16.0 36.0
1.0 25.0 4.0 36.0 9.0 49.0 16.0


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