[J3] (SC22WG5.6069) Fwd: Stan Whitlock has completed his life

John Reid John.Reid at stfc.ac.uk
Tue Sep 4 11:02:02 EDT 2018

Dear Carolyn, David, and Jen,

Thank you so much for sharing your sad story with us all. It must have 
been a horrible shock to lose Stan so much sooner than you expected.

I am so glad that Stan was able to get to the "geezers" meeting in June 
and that I was able to say "hello" to him. I wish I had spent more time 
with him then - yes, he was not well, but I did not expect his life to 
be so near its end.

Stan has played a huge role in J3 and WG5 over many years. He was always 
supportive of what we were trying to do but if we asked for too much his 
was a voice of reason explaining the reasons. And of course he always 
spoke cogently and with presence. Outside the formal meetings, he worked 
diligently on the interpretations so that we always knew exactly where 
we were with them all, and there were a lot of them at times. It was a 
real pleasure working with him in my role of Convener whenever we 
prepared a corrigendum based on the interpretations that had passed all 
their milestones and were ready.

All us in the world of Fortran standards will miss him dearly.

Our thoughts are with you at this sad time.

John Reid.

Steve Lionel via J3 wrote:
> (From Stan's wife, Carolyn)
> *Stanley Jay Whitlock (Feb. 27, 1948 - Sept. 3, 2018)*
> Dear Family and Friends,
> Seven weeks ago, on July 9th, Stan had exploratory surgery on his neck 
> in hopes of finding out what was causing the severe headaches and neck 
> pain he had been having since the end of February/beginning of March. 
>   As most of you know, the next week, we were told that he had 
> metastasized pancreatic cancer cells in his neck.  On July 19th, he 
> began a series of ten radiation treatments that we were told should kill 
> the cancer cells in his neck and relieve his neck pain and headaches but 
> not stop the cancer elsewhere in his body.
> When those treatments were completed, Stan began chemotherapy on August 
> 14th.  A few days after the first treatment, Stan fell at home.  That 
> was the first of 7 falls over the next week.  On Sunday, August 19th, 
> Stan fell again and hit his head on the hardwood floor.  He said it felt 
> different this time and agreed to have the EMTs take him to the 
> hospital.  He was there for three nights.  His oncologist told him it 
> was time for him to go into hospice care; that he had six to nine weeks 
> to live.  Needless to say, that was a shock to us all.
> Stan was moved to the Community Hospice House in Merrimack, NH, on 
> August 22nd.  The hospice doctor said she thought the timeline was 
> shorter than the prediction of the hospital’s oncologist.  She lessened 
> the time to four to six weeks.  That was 12 days ago.
> Late this afternoon, Jen and I were in Stan’s hospice room and all three 
> of us were taking a nap.  Jen woke up and the room was quiet.  Stan had 
> been breathing heavily when we dozed off.  She said, “Mom, I think Dad 
> has gone.”  So I went over to his bed to check on him and called for the 
> nurse who confirmed that his life had ended.
> There will be no funeral but we will have a Celebration of Life for him 
> when the family feels ready.  I will let you all know when that time comes.
> Thank you to all who visited Stan in the hospital and hospice house, 
> sent cards and emails expressing your concern, best wishes for relief of 
> his pain, and your love.  It meant a lot to all of us.  Stan will rest 
> in peace knowing that so many people cared about him.
> With love and appreciation for your caring,
> Carolyn, David, and Jen Whitlock

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