(j3.2006) New J3 web site
Bill Long
Mon Jan 29 18:49:02 EST 2018
Hmm. Nicely organized. And the password setting procedure seemed to work smoothly. Very promising.
A couple of synchronization issues:
1) The current J3 site has papers 18-102, 103, 105, 106, and 107 got m215, which do not appear in the new test site. I guess this raises a more immediate question - which site should be used for paper submissions for m215? At least until they are synced, the new site paper upload should be blocked to avoid duplicate paper numbers.
2) In the historical papers section, I looked up 12-283.txt (m201) and see that the ?date? is missing. And most of them have unknown ?status?. Is this expected for historical papers?
> On Jan 29, 2018, at 5:05 PM, Steve Lionel <steve at stevelionel.com> wrote:
> Dan has told me that UCAR would really like the J3 web site to move off of their server, and I have volunteered to take it over. Rather than simply copy the existing site, which is full of softlinks and needs much handholding, I am creating a new, database-driven site (currently at https://test.j3-fortran.org) with features that should make things easier for members.
> ? No more softlinks (many of which are missing on the old site)
> ? No need for SFTP - a web-based UI for accessing meeting files (you can do everything you did with SFTP here)
> ? Individual member logins rather than a generic one everyone shares
> ? More information on papers visible from listing pages
> ? During meeting, subgroup heads can quickly assign documents to subgroups and set their status
> ? Automatic creation of ZIP file and "paper paper" (Dan requested)
> I have MOST of this done and I think it's ready to be used for meeting 215, especially as we don't yet have a lot of papers. The ZIP file and "paper paper" creation isn't ready yet, but may be in the next few days.
> I would like people to check it out and let me know what you think. If there is something missing, or that could be improved, please let me know. I have created accounts for most J3 members, those who come to meetings on at least a semi-regular basis. If you're not on this list, let me know and I'll gladly add you. You'll need to set a password - go to https://test.j3-fortran.org/forgot_password.php and enter your username from the following list:
> Bill.Long
> Lorri.Menard
> Daniel.Chen
> Tom.Clune
> Bob.Corbett
> Tom.Knox
> Gary.Klimowicz
> Dan.Nagle
> Van.Snyder
> Malcolm.Cohen
> Brian.Friesen
> Raghu.Maddhipatla
> Divya.Mangudi
> John.Reid
> Damian.Rouson
> Anton.Shterenlikht
> Jon.Steidel
> Craig.Rasmussen
> The site will then email you a link to reset the password. Let me know if there are any problems.
> If you don't like the username I selected, let me know and I'll change it. You can change other things by selecting Profile in the dropdown under your username when you log in.
> I intend to do a "tutorial" about the new site sometime during the week.
> The major UCAR-hosted piece not done is the mailing lists, but maybe those can stay until I can figure out how to migrate them.
> See (some of) you in Vegas!
> Steve
> n
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Bill Long longb at cray.com
Principal Engineer, Fortran Technical Support & voice: 651-605-9024
Bioinformatics Software Development fax: 651-605-9143
Cray Inc./ 2131 Lindau Lane/ Suite 1000/ Bloomington, MN 55425
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