(j3.2006) What does "same image" mean?
Steven G. Kargl
Sat Jan 20 19:57:01 EST 2018
In the description of the dummy argument REPEATABLE for the
RANDOM_INIT intrinsic subroutine, one finds the sentence
REPEATABLE ... If it has the value true, the seed accessed by the
pseudorandom number generator is set to a processor-dependent
value that is the same each time RANDOM_INIT is called from
the same image.
What does "same image" mean here? There are two case to consider.
For this discussion consider a Fortran program that does not use
co-arrays, so the execution of a compiled program creates a single
program same_image1
real x(2), y(2)
call random_init(.true., .false.)
call random_number(x)
print *, x
call random_init(.true., .false.)
call random_number(y)
print *, y
end program same_image1
Here, with the implied assumption that a seed yields a unique
sequence of random numbers, one can expect that x == y.
Now, consider
program same_image2
real x(2)
call random_init(.true., .false.)
call random_number(x)
print *, x
end program same_image2
Compile this program to create an executable and run it to
create an image. This will produce two numbers and then
terminate. Wait an hour and re-run the executable. This
will create a new image, two numbers will be produced, and
the image terminates. Should one expect that the two sets
of numbers are the same? Clearly, the new image cannot be
the previous image as the previous image terminated an hour
ago, so the call to RANDOM_INIT() in the new image cannot
occur in the "same image" as the previous image. So, does
this mean that the second program's use of RANDOM_INIT
does not guarantee repeatable sequences of random numbers
for multiple executions of the same executable?
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