(j3.2006) an intrinsic for SORT()
Robert Corbett
Tue Feb 6 22:30:49 EST 2018
It depends on the compiler. Oracle Fortran uses *gemm and *gemv to implement MATMUL unless it thinks it can do better (such as for small constant shape arrays). In simple cases, it will use the transpose flag.
Bob Corbett
> On Feb 6, 2018, at 11:59 AM, Van Snyder <van.snyder at jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
>> On Tue, 2018-02-06 at 14:46 -0500, Steve Lionel wrote:
>>> On 2/6/2018 2:45 PM, Van Snyder wrote:
>>> If I write MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(A),B) will most processors create a temp for
>>> TRANSPOSE(A), or will they do what DGEMM does and handle the TRANSPOSE
>>> as a flag that changes how the multiply is done?
>> That depends on whether or not such usage is in a benchmark...
> So I should be using DGEMM, just to be sure. TRANSPOSE is only O(n^2),
> seemingly small compared to the O(n^3) for the multiply, but the
> coefficient is large because it has to visit the storage allocator.
> In a language intended for science and engineering, not accounting,
> adding a "transpose" flag for either argument would seem to be a higher
> priority than a SORT intrinsic. But, yes, I do sort stuff in my
> satellite data analysis codes. It wasn't hard to find sort routines.
> It isn't hard to write correct ones. I wrote several for our math
> library decades ago. Who among us hasn't? I chose insertion sort
> because the array is almost sorted. A runtime algorithm selector would
> just add overhead.
>> Steve
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