(j3.2006) Fwd: Updated INCITS/PL22.3 Chairman Summary for Members that have not signed the INCITS Membership Agreement

Dan Nagle danlnagle
Tue Nov 28 16:16:03 EST 2017


Emeritus seem to vote en-bloc.

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Barra, Lynn" <lbarra at itic.org>
> Subject: Updated INCITS/PL22.3 Chairman Summary for Members that have not signed the INCITS Membership Agreement
> Date: November 27, 2017 at 19:07:42 MST
> To: "danlnagle at mac.com" <danlnagle at mac.com>
> Cc: "Barra, Lynn" <lbarra at itic.org>
> Dan, <>
> As the December 1st deadline approaches, below is an update of members that are in jeopardy of having their membership terminated because they have not returned a signed INCITS Membership Agreement. Note that several reminders to these members have been issued.
> Jet Propulsion Systems
> United States Dept of Energy
> University of Oregon
> Bierman (Emeritus) ? this one is being reviewed
> Brainerd (Emeritus)
> Hendrickson (Emeritus)
> Hirchert (Emeritus)
> Lahey (Emeritus)
> Mane (Emeritus)
> Martin (Emeritus)
> Meissner (Emeritus)
> North (Emeritus)
> Wagener (Emeritus)
> If you have any questions, let me know.
> Regards-
> Lynn
> From: Barra, Lynn 
> Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 7:17 PM
> To: danlnagle at mac.com <mailto:danlnagle at mac.com>
> Cc: Barra, Lynn <lbarra at itic.org <mailto:lbarra at itic.org>>
> Subject: INCITS/PL22.3 Chairman Summary for Members that have not signed the INCITS Membership Agreement
> Hi Dan,
> In response to the general email (appended below) that went to all members, the Secretariat indicated each TC chair would be provided a summary of its members that may be impacted by the December 1st deadline of returning a signed INCITS Membership Agreement. As of today, below is a list of INCITS/PL22.3 members that have not yet signed the INCITS Membership Agreement.
> In addition to the general email, each member identified below received an additional email notification specifically addressed to them. This information is not for public dissemination; however, as the committee chairman, any assistance you can provide to encourage members to meet the deadline is appreciated. Please note that there are no exceptions to the December 1, 2017 deadline.
> JET Propulsion Systems
> United States Dept of Energy
> University of Oregon
> Bierman (Emeritus)
> Brainerd (Emeritus)
> Hendrickson (Emeritus)
> Hirchert (Emeritus)
> Lahey (Emeritus)
> Mane (Emeritus)
> Martin (Emeritus)
> Meissner (Emeritus)
> North (Emeritus)
> Wagener (Emeritus)
> Regards-
> Lynn
> From: Barra, Lynn 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 5:11 PM
> To: active_committee_members at standards.incits.org <mailto:active_committee_members at standards.incits.org>
> Cc: Barra, Lynn <lbarra at itic.org <mailto:lbarra at itic.org>>; Garner, Jennifer <jgarner at itic.org <mailto:jgarner at itic.org>>
> Subject: Important Information Regarding the INCITS Membership Agreement
> Importance: High
> To the INCITS Community -
> In January 2015, the INCITS Executive Board (EB) approved the INCITS Membership Agreement and all INCITS member organizations were notified of the new requirement to have an authorized individual/legal counsel review and sign the Agreement. Once signed, the Membership Agreement is applicable to all INCITS engagements by all representatives from that member organization (including for example all TC/TG activities). INCITS had been one of the very few standards organizations without a Membership Agreement.  The Membership Agreement provides more protection and certainty to INCITS stakeholders allowing INCITS to document and formalize rules that INCITS has been following operationally for many years; clarify and update other rules; and legally bind Members to these rules in order to bring more consistency, transparency, and efficiency to the INCITS standards development process.
> At the August 2017 EB meeting, the status of returned Membership Agreements was discussed and despite the numerous reminders, it was observed that some organizations have not returned the Membership Agreement. As a result of the discussion, the INCITS EB instructed the INCITS Secretariat to follow-up with members that have not signed the Membership Agreement notifying them that their 2018 participation could not be renewed unless the Agreement was signed.
> So that 2018 membership renewals can be processed, a signed Membership Agreement must be on file not later than Friday, December 1, 2017. Members that do not have a signed Membership Agreement on file with INCITS will be contacted directly and the Secretariat will be working with those affected members in order to meet the deadline.
> TC chairs will also be advised of organizations from their committees that are potentially affected.
> If you have any questions, please contact me.
> Regards-
> Lynn Barra
> Director, Standards Operations
> INCITS/Information Technology Industry Council
> 1101 K Street NW, Suite 610, Washington DC 20005
> T: 202-626-5739 | Email: lbarra at itic.org <mailto:lbarra at itic.org> | Web: www.INCITS.org <http://www.incits.org/>


Dan Nagle

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