(j3.2006) LEN type parameter
Steve Lionel
Mon Dec 18 18:41:56 EST 2017
On 12/18/2017 6:28 PM, Van Snyder wrote:
>> Compiler 1: Error for both X and Y lines
>> Compiler 2: No errors
>> Compiler 3: Error for Y line only
>> Compiler 4: (Evidently does not support pdt yet. Every line that includes ?p5? got an error.)
>> It reduces to whether a LEN type parameter is a constant expression.
>> Does not seem to be reasonable to me that it would be.
> We should clarify what we want. Maybe the type definition is OK, but
> you can't declare any objects of the type with a specification
> expression for the value of the type parameter.
A related issue came up lately, and I agree with Van that we are rather
ambiguous about just what LEN type parameters are in usage contexts.
Consider this:
Module testmod
? Type, abstract :: myroot(k)
??? Integer(4), kind :: k
? End type myroot
? Type, extends(myroot), abstract :: myvec(lb1,ub1)
??? Integer(8), len :: lb1=1,ub1
? End type myvec
? Type, extends(myvec) :: myvec_int
??? Integer(k) :: val(lb1:ub1)
? End type myvec_int
End Module testmod
Program Test
? use testmod
? Implicit none
? Type(myvec_int(8,:,:)), allocatable :: a
? Allocate(myvec_int(8,ub1=5)::a)
? a%lb1=6
End Program Test
Is the assignment to the length parameter a%lb1 valid? If one looks at
the definition of assignment, one follows the chain of the LHS from
"variable" to "designator" to "structure component" to "data-ref".
data-ref is a syntax term for which a%lb1 qualifies. There's no text I
can find that specifies that a LEN parameter can't be assigned to.
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