(j3.2006) Ada committee doesn't do business with INCITS (or IEEE)

Van Snyder Van.Snyder
Tue Dec 5 14:22:03 EST 2017

The Ada standard is entirely done by WG9.  They have subgroups, one
called the "Ada Rapporteur Group," which has pretty much the same
responsibilities as J3:


Charter of the Ada Rapporteur Group (ARG)
Approved by WG9, 1 December 2017

The Ada Rapporteur Group (ARG) is a subgroup of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 22/WG 9,
the JTC 1 Working Group for Ada. The ARG has the following duties:

      * Provide support for ISO/IEC 8652 and ISO/IEC 18009, and other
        Standards as assigned by WG 9, by:
              * Serving as an advisory group for the project editors of
                these standards;
              * Supporting the SC 22 defect and interpretation process
                by drafting publicly available responses to Defect
                Reports on these standards;
              * Drafting text for proposed clarifications, corrections
                and changes to these standards.
      * Recommend strategies for extensions of the Ada language and
        libraries, and prescription of conformity and optionality via
        the use of corrigenda, revisions, amendments, secondary
        standards, technical reports, technical specifications, and
        informative materials.
      * Coordinate with other organizations to promote uniform
        implementation of the Ada standard and appropriate usage of Ada
        in other standards. Language proposals originating in other
        Rapporteur Groups of WG 9 will be referred to the ARG for
        disposition in the same manner as suggestions originating
        outside of WG 9.

Is it really necessary for J3 to do business with INCITS?  Could it be
reorganized as a WG5 "Rapporteur Group?"

They also have an "Annex H Rapporteur Group," whose responsibilities

Charter of the Annex H Rapporteur Group (HRG)
Approved by WG9, 28 April 1995

The HRG will synthesize the essential requirements of typical
sector-specific standards for high integrity applications which have a
bearing on Ada and its supporting tools. Guidance, including
interpretation and amplification of Annex H will be developed for users,
implementers, evaluators and certifiers. The guidance produced will be
in a form suitable for reference in procurement....

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