(j3.2006) Construct entities

Malcolm Cohen malcolm
Sat Apr 29 03:34:43 EDT 2017

No, I don't want to get into random rewrites of complicated material.

Just what is the problem exactly?  That our wording is woolly?  So what.

Tha is, why do you care if something is called "a construct entity"?  What 
difference does it make?  If it makes no difference (and I think that is 
rather likely to be the case), I have to strongly recommend not waking up 
the sleeping dogs of war.


-----Original Message----- 
From: Van Snyder
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2017 2:30 PM
To: j3
Subject: Re: (j3.2006) Construct entities

On Sat, 2017-04-29 at 13:57 +0900, Malcolm Cohen wrote:
> It's accessed by use association, so no.

That's what I expected, but 19.4p1 is not terribly clear.  It depends
upon "explicitly declared."  Since we took the trouble to except
ASYNCHRONOUS and VOLATILE, "explicitly declared" isn't restricted to
type declaration statements.  Every other appearance of "explicitly
declared" either says by what kind of a statement, or to have what

Would it be clearer and still correct to say "appear as an <object-name>
in a type declaration statement, or as an attribute specification
statement ..."?

How about the example with the common variable?  I think it's also not a
construct entity, but I can't prove it.

> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Van Snyder
> Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2017 8:54 AM
> To: j3
> Subject: (j3.2006) Construct entities
> In
>   block
>     use A, only: B
>   end block
> Is B a construct entity of the BLOCK construct?  I.e., is the use
> statement an "explicit declaration" as required in 19.4p1?
> In
>   block
>     common /A/ B
>   end block
> Is B a construct entity?  I.e., is the common statement with an
> implicitly-typed variable an "explicit declaration" as required in
> 19.4p1?
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