(j3.2006) CD ballot process

Bill Long longb
Tue Apr 11 17:59:13 EDT 2017

My vote is

approve CD with comment

There have been several good comments that I?ll not repeat, but support.  I cannot support one comment (to delete the major new feature of locality for DO CONCURRENT). This is a very popular feature. We?ve had this discussion before and already decided the outcome.   I guess that?s why we will be having a ballot. 

Additionally I found three other issues:

[Editorial] Corrigendum 4 for F2008 was published 1-jul-2016. A
reference to this should be included in Forward, page xvii, paragraph

[Editorial] [33:9-10] 4.4.2 Nature of deleted features, change "were
not included in Fortran 95 or Fortran 2003" to "were not included in
Fortran 95, Fortran 2003, or Fortran 2008".

[Technical] [46:10-12] 5.4.8 Established coarrays, paragraph 5 starts
with "A nonallocatable coarray that is a local variable of a
subprogram". C825 requires that a coarray be an associate name
(possible), a dummy argument (not the case here, since it is a local
variable), or have the ALLOCATABLE attribute (not the case here, since
it specifically says nonallocatable), or have the SAVE attribute. If
the coarray has the SAVE attribute, then its establishment is covered
by paragraph 1 of the subclause as being established in the initial
team. Associating entities for CHANGE TEAM blocks are covered by
paragraph 3.  One might suspect that a coarray that is an associating
entity for a ASSOCIATE, SELECT RANK, or SELECT TYPE construct is
established in the team that is current when the construct is executed
(which is unrelated to it being a local variable of a subprogram). In
might be better to actually say that in a separate paragraph following
the current paragraph 3. After which there would be no uncovered cases
where "a nonallocatable coarray that is a local variable of a
subprogram" in paragraph 5 applies.


On Apr 10, 2017, at 11:46 AM, Dan Nagle <danlnagle at ME.COM> wrote:

> Hi,
> Please post to this list an email with
> 1. Your vote (approve CD with comment, disapprove CD with comment, abstain, whatever)
> 2. Your comments
> Lorri will combine the comments into the INCITS .doc form.
> Please have your comments to Lorri by Wednesday, April 12.
> Have mercy that Lorri is on East coast time.
> Lorri and Debbie work together to make a ballot, including comments.
> A two-week ballot will be run with the US vote and comments
> starting Friday April 14.
> The deadlines are a bit tight, but we knew the schedule was aggressive
> when we approved it.
> --
> Cheers!
> Dan Nagle
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Bill Long                                                                       longb at cray.com
Principal Engineer, Fortran Technical Support &   voice:  651-605-9024
Bioinformatics Software Development                      fax:  651-605-9143
Cray Inc./ 2131 Lindau Lane/  Suite 1000/  Bloomington, MN  55425

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