(j3.2006) Summary of new F2015 features with paper cross-reference

Lionel, Steve steve.lionel
Wed Sep 28 10:57:08 EDT 2016

I have uploaded to the server 16-247, a PDF document that summarizes each
new or changed feature in F2015 and cross-references it to the paper(s) it
came from. You can think of this as an expansion of standing document 010
whose descriptions I found a bit terse and, in some cases, it's missing
entries. The document is based on the list of changes in the introduction.
To aid future updates, I also uploaded the .docx it comes from.


This paper was initially written to help our development team, but Stan and
I agreed it would be useful to share it with the rest of the committee.



Steve Lionel

Intel Developer Support

Merrimack, NH



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