(j3.2006) Storage association

Van Snyder van.snyder
Sun Sep 11 00:51:16 EDT 2016

The association of character actual arguments to character dummy
arguments is described in as sequence association, not storage
association. says that an EQUIVALENCE statement, a COMMON
statement, or an ENTRY statement can cause storage association of
storage sequences.  It doesn't mention character argument association.

If there are no other ways to cause storage association, as it is
defined in (not what one might naively believe about, say,
argument association), can we print essentially all of the storage
association material in obsolescent font, even if it doesn't explicitly
mention an EQUIVALENCE statement, a COMMON statement, or an ENTRY
statement nearby?

That would allow us to delete it one revision earlier than leaving it in
normal font.

And why is the list in prefaced with "In a storage association
context?"  It seems that everything in the list is true without
reference to storage association.

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