(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5702) 16-007r1 is ready

Malcolm Cohen malcolm
Sun May 1 03:21:50 EDT 2016

Hi folks,

Finally 16-007r1 is ready.  At the moment it is only in the Edit folder of the member?s area, bzipped so it is 16-007r1.pdf.bz2

Dan, could you copy this to the meeting/year/whatever folders and update the standing document link please?  Thanks in advance.

I regret that I have to say that I ran out of time and energy incorporating the rest of the coarray TS, with the result that there are 15 new UTIs.  Sorry about that.

The updated 011 document, and 2 editor?s reports (one for the coarray TS incorporation, one for the papers from meeting 209) will follow in due course.  It might take a little time to put all these in order...

..........................Malcolm Cohen, project editor.
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