(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5693) coarray dummy arguments

Bill Long longb
Thu Mar 31 08:43:32 EDT 2016

Hi Reinhold,

In your second edit, ?after Note 2.34??, change ?after? to ?before?, or made the citation [307:5+] and start the edit ?after   The Notes should all be together at the end of the subclause. 

In the same edit as above, at the end of the new text, delete ?on the current team?, since it is possible to access objects on images that are part of a different team. 

The wording that prohibits the copy-in/copy-out problem is 

For the [312] Note 12.39+, an example of a case that is not already covered by existing rules would be helpful.  I found the note confusing.  I?m not sure how image control statements would avoid argument aliasing problems. 


On Mar 31, 2016, at 2:56 AM, Bader, Reinhold <Reinhold.Bader at lrz.de> wrote:

> Dear all,
> attached please find the draft for an attempt to fix issues with coarray dummy arguments that were identified 
> in a coarray-ts discussion quite some time ago. I intend to upload it to the J3 server unless serious objections arise.
> Cheers
> Reinhold
> <coarray_dummy.txt>_______________________________________________
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Bill Long                                                                       longb at cray.com
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