(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5688) Slashdot video on Fortran
Bill Long
Thu Mar 17 09:08:45 EDT 2016
On Mar 16, 2016, at 6:12 PM, Damian Rouson <damian at sourceryinstitute.org> wrote:
>> On Mar 16, 2016, at 8:50 AM, Lionel, Steve <steve.lionel at intel.com> wrote:
>> I might have some quibbles with his advice, and I think he might mislead viewers into thinking the Intel QuickWin feature is standard, but it?s surprisingly good overall.
>> http://insidehpc.com/2016/03/fortran/
> One major disappointment is that he relies on the Fortran wiki?s compiler support table at
> http://fortranwiki.org/fortran/show/Fortran+2008+status
> which is out-of-date and therefore makes compiler compliance look worse than it is. The listed versions of the Cray, GNU, Intel, IBM, and PGI compilers are 2-4 years old. The listed NAG compiler version is over 1 year old. And g95 arguably could be deleted now that it has been dormant for several years.
> Anyone can edit the Fortran wiki so I just replaced an erroneous link near the top of the page so that it now points to the Chivers and Sleightholme survey:
> http://www.fortranplus.co.uk/resources/fortran_2003_2008_compiler_support.pdf
> I think the contents of the wiki page should be deleted altogether except for citing the latter link or its updated equivalent at any given time. I?ll take this step shortly unless anyone protests or compiler developers indicate that they intend to keep the wiki up-to-date.
> Thoughts?
Seems reasonable to me. If I google ?Fortran? this wiki comes up high on the result list. Keeping it accurate and current is in the best interests of everyone.
> Damian
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Bill Long longb at cray.com
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