(j3.2006) [ukfortran] (SC22WG5.5737) Units of measure
N.M. Maclaren
Wed Jun 29 15:01:15 EDT 2016
On Jun 29 2016, Bill Long wrote:
>> Van asks
>> 2. Did you ask whether my offer to remove the promise to incorporate the
>> specification into a future revision of the standard made a difference
>> in their positions?
>> For all those that attended the London meeting, I would appreciate your
>> thoughts on this.
>> I think I should perhaps add a paragraph on 2. I think the sentiment
>> was that it would obviate the whole point of a TS - to define a feature
>> that WG5 intended eventually to include in the standard.
> I agree with John that this is the operational norm for WG5 and making an
> exception here weakens the norm for other proposals.
While that is true, there were people who felt that using TSs solely for
that purpose was a mistake.
> An additional motivation for a TS is to provide purchase agents with a
> document to cite in writing a proposal that has the effect of forcing
> vendors to implement this, independent of whether it will ever be part of
> the base standard. Even if only one entity is interested in the feature,
> if its budget is sufficient it has the effect of forcing all vendors.
> Avoiding this situation is a high priority. The implementation costs
> greatly outweigh the benefit in this case, and vendors are not awash with
> free resources for such a project.
Again, there were people who disagreed with that.
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