(j3.2006) Pointers, arguments, and the TARGET attribute
Van Snyder
Mon Jun 13 21:07:01 EDT 2016
On Tue, 2016-06-14 at 09:43 +0900, Cohen Malcolm wrote:
> >I asked this question last year. There was no follow-up on the server.
> >
> >Should address subobjects?
> What makes you think this is broken?
> Is there some actual problem you are thinking about?
> With actual example code?
> In the absence of a definitive example we're left with a tricky-looking
> hypothetical. Declining to answer seems like a good decision.
> Cheers,
module M
type :: T
integer :: I, J
end type T
type(t), save, target :: V
integer, pointer :: P
subroutine S1 ( A )
type(t), intent(in), target :: A
p => a%i
end subroutine S
subroutine S2 ( A )
type(t), intent(in), target :: A
call s1 ( a )
! Is p still associated with V%I?
print *, p
end subroutine S2
end module M
Assume S2 gets called with V as its argument. mentions "pointers ... associated with the dummy argument
remain associated with the effective argument."
Is P associated with V%I after "call S1 ( A )" in S2 completes?
The dummy argument and the effective argument both have the TARGET
attribute, and if an object has the TARGET attribute then so do its
subobjects, so the pointer assignment to P in S1 is allowed.
P has the wrong type to be associated with either the dummy argument or
the effective argument, and it's not associated with components of
either the dummy argument other than A%I or ones of the effective
argument other than V%I.
The question is whether a pointer associated with a subobject of the
dummy argument remains associated with a subobject of the effective
argument after execution completes. all refer to the dummy argument or effective argument,
without mentioning subobjects thereof.
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