(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.5658) [ukfortran] Straw ballot on second draft corrigendum4
Van Snyder
Thu Jan 28 14:39:08 EST 2016
We're now using (or going to use) the term "active image" instead of
"non-stopped image". Should the two occurrences ( and
of "non-stopped image" be "active image"?
On Thu, 2016-01-28 at 17:49 +0900, Cohen Malcolm wrote:
> This is an interim vote. I might have other changes to suggest later (I am
> only 1/4 of the way through...).
> >Please answer the following question "Is N2095, with the references and
> >notes removed, acceptable for submission to SC22 for publication as
> >Corrigendum 4 for Fortran 2008?" in one of these ways.
> >
> >1) Yes.
> >2) Yes, but I recommend the following changes.
> Yes, but I recommend the following changes.
> >3) No, for the following reasons.
> >4) Abstain.
> (1) In the edit for F08/0131 (page xvi), after "A contiguous array" insert
> the word "variable". This is because the sentence later says "provided the
> variable ..." and this is meant to apply both to the contiguous array or the
> scalar character variable.
> (2) Same edit, slightly later in the sentence, change "kind and kind type
> parameter" to "type and kind type parameter (if any)". This is obviously
> what the interp was talking about - the edit should not be insisting that
> the kind be interoperable twice. The "(if any)" is because I think this can
> apply when the array is of a BIND(C) type, which has no type parameter.
> (3) In the edit for F08/0127, change "is permitted to" to "can", i.e. the
> replacement text should read "A free form continuation line can begin with
> ...". Reason: the Introduction is non-normative so we are not allowed to
> have requirements here.
> (4) In the edit for F08/0124, the location should be "Subclause 1.3", and
> the instruction should be "After the definition of <B>parent component</B>
> (, insert a new term:", as although definitions use the same
> numbering scheme as subclauses, they are not actually subclauses: see ISO
> directives part 2 which says
> "terms and definitions are a definitions list and not a series of
> subclauses".
> (5) Subclause
> Change "the <I>derived-type-def</I> of the specified derived type" to "its
> <I>derived-type-def</I>".
> Reason: immediately prior to this we've established that we are talking
> about "that derived type" (which is "the derived type [] specified in the
> FUNCTION statement"); switching from "that derived type" to "the specified
> derived type" implies there is some other specified derived type (which is
> not the case) as well as being unnecessarily long-winded platitudinous
> ponderosity. "its" is more than adequate!
> (6) It does not really matter for a corrigendum, but the edit for 5.3.4
> inserts a disjunction into a paragraph that already has a conjunction,
> without adding a comma for disambiguation. One can deduce the parse from
> the fact that it has bullet points, but it would be slightly nicer if there
> were also a comma before the "and" at the end of the first bullet point. (I
> will have to remember this when applying the changes to 007!)
> Cheers,
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